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Interesting to see an example of something I always thought about: how people used to have access to much more variation on the table than we do now. The passage where you describe how Walter had stockfish and mulberries, which became mackerel and blackberries shows this. At least where I live in Italy (and it´s a big city) I end up always eating the same things: orange carrots, two types of bananas, always the same types of fruit... I know french , british and german supermarkets are considered better but how much better I can´t say. My point is how capitalism has included some pretty exotic stuff in our diet while also reducing us to so much repetition.
I also have some private cults! One for David Graeber the political side of the coin (just like Benjamin) and one for Beth Kirby who was a food photographer pioneer on the internet who apparently everybody forgot to be grateful for. I never put it in those words: private cult, I used to call this ´honouring my intellectual ancestors´ but private cult is a better term. I would like to know why Walter and why you chose him though, I´m curious!
Thank you - from a fellow Benjamin devotee - for this interesting and moving article
Wonderful. Add all us readers to the circle
Wonderful piece. Thank-you
Interesting to see an example of something I always thought about: how people used to have access to much more variation on the table than we do now. The passage where you describe how Walter had stockfish and mulberries, which became mackerel and blackberries shows this. At least where I live in Italy (and it´s a big city) I end up always eating the same things: orange carrots, two types of bananas, always the same types of fruit... I know french , british and german supermarkets are considered better but how much better I can´t say. My point is how capitalism has included some pretty exotic stuff in our diet while also reducing us to so much repetition.
I also have some private cults! One for David Graeber the political side of the coin (just like Benjamin) and one for Beth Kirby who was a food photographer pioneer on the internet who apparently everybody forgot to be grateful for. I never put it in those words: private cult, I used to call this ´honouring my intellectual ancestors´ but private cult is a better term. I would like to know why Walter and why you chose him though, I´m curious!
PS I would love to know where I can find and read Walter Benjamin's food writing! Thank you !