Wow, thank you, Robbie. What an impassioned and well researched piece, eye-opening

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Thank you, Lana-Emerald. I'm glad you enjoyed (perhaps not the write word) reading it. It is disconcerting that land ownership in rural Scotland is more concentrated today, despite two decades of reforms. The mind boggles!

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Thanks for your reply! Yes, not the right word. Disconcerting indeed 🫶

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Thanks Robbie / Jonathan for publishing the comment - I appreciate the openness. The piece raises some really important issues and it is great to have them aired. As always there is so much more to do. I hope we can continue the discussion. As the recent piece in the Guardian* showed the role of food in regeneration is not straightforward. Add to that challenges around land ownership and, distinctly, land use and there is a lot to get right (or wrong)! Thanks for raising the issues.

* https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/mar/20/britains-bitter-bread-battle-what-a-5-sourdough-loaf-tells-us-about-health-wealth-and-class

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I love the framing of Bute as Scotland in miniature…a stimulating, slightly worrying read. Cheers!

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Thanks, Rory. Similarly, I loved your analogy of a shipwrecked Glasgow as Hill House writ large!

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