Wow, thank you, Robbie. What an impassioned and well researched piece, eye-opening

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Thanks Robbie / Jonathan for publishing the comment - I appreciate the openness. The piece raises some really important issues and it is great to have them aired. As always there is so much more to do. I hope we can continue the discussion. As the recent piece in the Guardian* showed the role of food in regeneration is not straightforward. Add to that challenges around land ownership and, distinctly, land use and there is a lot to get right (or wrong)! Thanks for raising the issues.

* https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/mar/20/britains-bitter-bread-battle-what-a-5-sourdough-loaf-tells-us-about-health-wealth-and-class

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I love the framing of Bute as Scotland in miniature…a stimulating, slightly worrying read. Cheers!

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