Sort of skates over the question of halal slaughter. Does Feroz/Bake St have a policy on using meat from animals that weren't stunned? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27324224

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Possibly because it's an article about Halal brunch and not Halal slaughter?

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He does say (about slaughter) 'but people will make up their minds and then only go to restaurants based on these factors.' but doesn't say how that factor applies at Bake St...

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Because that is not the focus of the article. It is not an article written with the purpose of defending or encouraging halal slaughter. Those articles exist if you wish to read them, but this is not one of them. Complaining that the interviewee mentions but then doesn't expand upon slaughter is rather like complaining that he mentions Egg McMuffins without giving us his express opinion on McDonald's. It is a very weird criticism to make.

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